Page 193 - AR Asuransi Bintang 2022
P. 193

Program Kerja
Work Program
• Pembahasan kegiatan audit internal periode s.d. Agustus 2022 (13 Oktober 2022).
• Pembahasan kegiatan audit internal periode September s.d. November 2022 (14 Desember 2022).
• Penilaian kinerja audit internal tahun 2022 (14 Desember 2022).
• Pembahasan rencana kerja audit internal tahun 2023 (14 Desember 2022).
• Discussion of internal audit activities for the period up to August 2022 (October 13th, 2022).
• Discussion of internal audit activities for the period September to November 2022 (December 14th, 2022).
• Assessment of internal audit performance in 2022 (December 14th, 2022).
• Discussion of the internal audit work plan for 2023 (December 14th, 2022).
• Pembahasan tata kelola teknologi informasi, khususnya terkait dengan pelaporan keuangan (14 Desember 2022).
• Discussion of information technology governance, particularly
related to financial reporting (December 14th, 2022).
• Evaluasi kinerja Kantor Akuntan Publik dan Akuntan Publik atas audit laporan keuangan tahun 2021 (15 Juni 2022).
• Evaluation on the performance of the Public Accounting Firm and Public Accountants on the 2021 financial report audit (June 15th, 2022).
• Penyampaian surat rekomendasi Kantor Akuntan Publik untuk audit laporan keuangan tahun 2022 kepada Dewan Komisaris (16 Juni 2022).
• Submission of a recommendation letter from the Public Accounting Firm for an audit of the 2022 financial statements to the Non-Executive Board (June 16th, 2022).
• Pembahasan kinerja keuangan tahun 2021 (23 Maret 2022).
• Pembahasan kinerja keuangan tahun 2022 (14 Desember
• Discussion of financial performance for 2021 (March 23rd, 2022).
• Discussion of financial performance for 2022 (December 14th, 2022).
• Penyusunan laporan Komisaris Independen tahun 2021 (23 Maret 2022).
• Preparation of the Independent Non-Executive Board's report for 2021 (March 23rd, 2022).
5. Penelaahan Rencana Kerja dan Laporan Kegiatan Audit Internal
Review of Work Plans and Internal Audit Activity Reports
  6. Penelaahan efektivitas pengendalian internal
Review the effectiveness of internal control
7. Penilaian terhadap auditor eksternal
Assessment of external auditors
8. Pemilihan auditor eksternal
Selection of external auditors
9. Evaluasi kinerja keuangan
Evaluation of financial performance
10. Penyusunan Laporan Komisaris Independen ke OJK
Preparation of Independent Non-Executive Board Report to OJK
            Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report
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