Page 262 - asuransi bintang annual report flipbook 2023
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PT ASURANSI BINTANG Tbk DAN ENTITAS ANAK Laporan Laba Rugi dan Penghasilan Komprehensif Lain Konsolidasian Untuk Tahun-tahun yang Berakhir 31 Desember 2023 dan 2022 (Angka-angka Disajikan dalam Ribuan Rupiah, kecuali Dinyatakan Lain) Catatan/ 2023 Notes PENDAPATAN USAHA Pendapatan underwriting Pendapatan premi 24 Premi bruto 378.280.503 Premi reasuransi (220.273.415) Perubahan premi yang belum merupakan pendapatan 28.585.868 Pendapatan premi - bersih 186.592.956 Beban underwriting Beban klaim 25 Klaim bruto 231.043.680 Klaim reasuransi (167.714.899) Kenaikan estimasi klaim 8.369.796 Beban klaim-bersih 71.698.577 Beban komisi-bersih 19.929.117 26 Jumlah beban underwriting 91.627.694 Hasil underwriting 94.965.262 Hasil investasi - bersih 42.602.366 27 PENDAPATAN USAHA BERSIH 137.567.628 BEBAN USAHA 132.294.607 28 LABA USAHA 5.273.021 Penghasilan lain-lain - bersih 1.545.038 29 LABA SEBELUM PAJAK 6.818.059 BEBAN PAJAK 31 Pajak kini 118.455 Pajak tangguhan 872.611 Jumlah Beban Pajak 991.066 LABA T AHUN BERJALAN 5.826.993 PENGHASILAN (RUGI) KOMPREHENSIF LAIN Pos yang tidak akan direklasifikasi ke laba rugi Keuntungan revaluasi aset tetap 12.590.914 10 Pengukuran kembali liabilitas imbalan pasti (372.860) 30 Pajak sehubungan dengan pos yang tidak akan direklasifikasi 82.029 31 12.300.083 Pos yang akan direklasifikasi ke laba rugi Keuntungaan (kerugian) yang belum direalisasi atas perubahan nilai investasi tersedia untuk dijual 1.986.087 Pajak sehubungan dengan pos yang akan direklasifikasi 75.652 31 2.061.739 PENGHASILAN KOMPREHENSIF LAIN SETELAH PAJAK 14.361.822 JUMLAH PENGHASILAN KOMPREHENSIF 20.188.815 JUMLAH LABA TAHUN BERJALAN YANG DAPAT DIATRIBUSIKAN KEPADA: Pemilik entitas induk 5.811.478 Kepentingan non-pengendali 15.515 23 5.826.993 JUMLAH PENGHASILAN KOMPREHENSIF YANG DAPAT DIATRIBUSIKAN KEPADA: Pemilik entitas induk 20.173.300 Kepentingan non-pengendali 15.515 23 PT ASURANSI BINTANG Tbk AND ITS SUBSIDIARY Consolidated Statements of Profit or Loss and Other Comprehensive Income For the Years Ended December 31, 2023 and 2022 (Figures are Presented in Thousands of Rupiah, unless Otherwise Stated)                                                       LABA PER SAHAM DASAR (Rupiah penuh) 20.188.815 17 32 2022 459.217.936 (247.915.824) 12.191.417 223.493.529 215.685.705 (145.298.285) 14.804.302 85.191.722 25.075.157 110.266.879 113.226.650 19.679.464 132.906.114 129.683.484 3.222.630 2.755.390 5.978.020 318.542 511.858 830.400 5.147.620 12.832.530 485.280 (106.762) 13.211.048 (2.737.748) (12.789) (2.750.537) 10.460.511 15.608.131 5.132.540 15.080 5.147.620 15.593.051 15.080 15.608.131 15 OPERATING REVENUES Underwriting revenues Premium income Gross premiums Reinsurance premiums Changes in unearned premiums Net premium income Underwriting expenses Claims expense Gross claims Reinsurance claims Increase in estimated claims Net claims expense Net commission expense Total underwriting expenses Underwriting income Income from investments - net NET OPERATING REVENUES OPERATING EXPENSES PROFIT FROM OPERATIONS Other income - net PROFIT BEFORE T AX T AX EXPENSE Current tax Deferred tax T otal T ax Expense PROFIT FOR THE YEAR OTHER COMPREHENSIVE INCOME (LOSS) Items that will not be reclassified subsequently to profit and loss Gain on revaluation of property and equipment Remeasurement of defined benefit liability Tax relating to item that will not be reclassified Item that will be reclassified subsequently to profit and loss Unrealized gain (loss) on changes in fair value of available for sale investments Tax relating to items that will be reclassified OTHER COMPREHENSIVE INCOME - NET OF TAX TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE INCOME TOTAL PROFIT FOR THE YEAR ATTRIBUTABLE TO: Owners of the Parent Company Non-controlling interests TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE INCOME ATTRIBUTABLE TO: Owners of the Parent Company Non-controlling interests BASIC EARNINGS PER SHARE (In full Rupiah)     Lihat catatan atas laporan keuangan konsolidasian yang merupakan bagian yang tidak terpisahkan dari laporan keuangan konsolidasian. See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements which are an integral part of the consolidated financial statements. -3- 

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