Page 114 - AR Asuransi Bintang 2022
P. 114

 Premi Bruto berdasarkan Lini Usaha Asuransi
Gross Premium by Insurance Business Lines
Dalam jutaan rupiah
62,074 63,774
In million IDR
   227,919 234,600 206,403
75,674 55,036
95,807 83,335
            20,687 22,99616,723 12,397 13,349 9,994
153 0 0 Unit Link
          Harta Benda
Kendaran Bermotor
Motor Vehicle
Marine Cargo
Rangka Kapal
Marine Hull
 Dari sisi jalur distribusi, kenaikan terjadi pada jalur distribusi Leasing sebesar Rp 17,3 miliar atau 25,36 % serta jalur distribusi Bank sebesar Rp 7,1 miliar atau 32,16 %. Sementara untuk jalur distribusi Broker, jalur distribusi Agent, jalur distribusi Telemarketing dan jalur distribusi Direct mengalami kontraksi masing- masing sebesar Rp 23,3 miliar atau 11,89 %, Rp 17,9 miliar atau 16,5 %, Rp 0,7 miliar atau 4,99 % dan Rp 0,5 miliar atau 0,7 %. Di tahun 2022 Jalur distribusi broker masih menjadi penyumbang premi terbesar.
Dari sisi target produksi, premi yang dibukukan Perusahaan mencapai 96% dari target yang dicanangkan. Meskipun demikian hal ini dirasa sudah sangat baik mengingat kondisi perekonomian yang cukup menantang dan pandemi Covid-19 serta persaingan usaha yang semakin keras dan juga kebijakan Perusahaan untuk melaksanakan kebijakan underwriting yang prudent.
In terms of distribution channels, the increase occurred in the Leasing distribution channel by IDR 17.3 billion or 25.36% and the Bank distribution channel by IDR 7.1 billion or 32.16%. Meanwhile, the Broker distribution channel, Agent distribution channel, Telemarketing distribution channel and Direct distribution channel were also contracted by IDR 23.3 billion or 11.89%, IDR 17.9 billion or 16.5%, IDR 0.7 billion or 4.99% respectively, and IDR 0.5 billion or 0.7%. In 2022, broker distribution channels remained as the largest contributor to premiums
In terms of production targets, the premium recorded by the Company reached 96% of the target set. Nonetheless, this performance was deemed excellent, considering the quite challenging economic conditions, the Covid-19 pandemic, the increasingly fierce business competition, and the Company’s policy to implement prudent underwriting policies.
  Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report 112
PT Asuransi Bintang Tbk
Analisa & Pembahasan Manajemen | Management Analysis & Discussion

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