Page 121 - AR Asuransi Bintang 2022
P. 121
Jumlah investasi di tahun 2022 sebesar Rp 297 Miliar, jumlah ini lebih rendah Rp 35.1 Miliar dari tahun sebelumnya atau mengalami penurunan sebesar 10,55%. Penurunan ini terjadi karena diperlukan pencairan aset investasi untuk operasional Perusahaan. Terdapat kenaikan aset investasi pada Efek Utang tersedia dijual sebesar Rp 14,3 Miliar, properti Investasi sebesar Rp 9,9 Miliar, efek ekuitas sebesar Rp 520 Juta, penyertaan lain sebesar Rp 58 Juta, dan Logam Mulia sebesar Rp 18 Juta. Namun disisi lain terdapat penurunan investasi pada instrumen Reksadana sebesar Rp 43,8 Miliar terkait operasional perusahaan, sukuk sebesar Rp 152 juta akibat dari perubahan nilai wajar, dan Deposito sebesar Rp16 Miliar terkait pengalihan ke instrumen Efek Utang berbasis Surat Berharga Negara., sedangkan untuk kenaikan efek ekuitas, penyertaan lain dan logam Mulia terjadi karena kenaikan Nilai Pasar.
The total investment in 2022 was IDR 297 billion, this amount was IDR 35.1 billion lower than the previous year, or decreased by 10.55%. This decrease was due to the urgency to disburse investment assets for theCompany’soperations.Therewasanincrease in investment assets in available-for-sale debt securities of IDR 14.3 billion, investment properties of IDR 9.9 billion, equity securities of IDR 520 million, other investments of IDR 58 million, and Precious Metals of IDR 18 million. On the other hand, there was a decrease in investment in mutual fund instruments of IDR 43.8 billion related to company operations, sukuk of IDR 152 million due to changes in fair value, and deposits of IDR 16 billion related to transfers to debt instruments based on government securities. Meanwhile, the increase in equity securities, other investments and Precious metals were occured due to the higher Market Value.
Dalam jutaan rupiah
In million IDR
2021 2020
100,577 52,118 68,189
Time Deposit
Total Liabilitas
136,069 126,087
73,170 68,223 58,885
Obligasi Pemerintah
Government Bonds
Total liabilitas di tahun 2022 sebesar Rp 621 miliar, naik sebesar Rp 21 miliar atau 3,6%. Kenaikan terjadi pada utang komisi sebesar Rp 14,5 miliar atau 209,47%, utang pajak sebesar Rp 947 juta atau 51,59% dan liabilitas kontrak Asuransi sebesar Rp 59 miliar atau 12,84%.
Total liabilities in 2022 was amounted to IDR 621 billion, increased by IDR 21 billion or 3.6%. The increase occurred in commissions payable of IDR 14.5 billion or 209.47%, taxes payable of IDR 947 million or 51.59% and insurance contract liabilities of IDR 59 billion or 12.84%.
4,153 Obligasi Korporasi
Corporate Bonds
0 0
Properti Investasi Investment
on Land & Property
Saham, Reksadana & Penyertaan Equity, Mutual Fund & Direct Investment
Total Liabilities
Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report 119
PT Asuransi Bintang Tbk