Page 206 - AR Asuransi Bintang 2022
P. 206

Program Kerja
Work Plan
Komite menilai bahwa Perusahaan telah memiliki program-program treaty yang sesuai dan memadai untuk setiap lini usaha asuransi yang dijalankan, baik perlindungan atas setiap risiko maupun atas risiko katastropik.
1. Review atas program treaty • tahun 2022 - 2023
Review on the treaty program • in 2022-2023
The Committee considers that the Company has appropriate and adequate treaty programs for each insurance business line, both protection for each risk and for catastrophic risk.
• Besarnya retensi sendiri dan penggunaan dukungan reasuransi dalam negeri dinilai telah memenuhi ketentuan dalam peraturan OJK yang berlaku.
• The amount of self-retention and the use of domestic reinsurance support are considered to have complied with the provisions of the applicable Financial Services Authority regulations.
  2. Review atas IFRS 17– • Risks on Road Map and
Implementation Plan •
Komite telah melakukan review atas penerapan PSAK 74 (“IFRS 17”) terutama pada Risiko-risiko atas Rencana Kerja dan implementasi di perusahaan. Berdasarkan keputusan Dewan Standar Akuntansi (DSAK) bahwa PSAK 74 (“IFRS 17”) akan mulai diberlakukan pada tanggal 01 Januari 2025
Review on IFRS 17– • Risks on Road Map and Implementation Plan
The Committee has conducted a review of the implementation of PSAK 74 (“IFRS 17”) particularly on the Risks of Work Plans and implementation in the company.
• Review dilakukan atas Project Planning, Project Management dan target operating model yang dilakukan secara detail dan komprehensif.
• Review Plan juga dilakukan atas dampak kompleksitas IFRS 17 pada semua area kerja yang meliputi Sistem dan Data, proses akuntansi, Key Performance pada human resources, dsb.
• Perusahaan telah memutuskan untuk mendapat pendampingan dari Konsultan CT Prima terkait penerapan IFRS 17 di perusahaan.
• Based on the decision of the Accounting Standards Board (DSAK) that PSAK 74 (“IFRS 17”) will come into effect on January 1, 2025
• Reviews are also carried out on Project Planning, Project Management and target operating models, in detail and comprehensive manner.
• A Review Plan is also carried out on the impact of the complexity of IFRS 17 on all work areas which include Systems and Data, accounting processes, Key Performance in human resources, etc.
• The Company has decided to get assistance from CT Prima Consultants regarding the implementation of IFRS 17 in the Company.
    Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report
204 PT Asuransi Bintang Tbk
Tata Kelola Perusahaan | Good Corporate Governance

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