Page 173 - asuransi bintang annual report flipbook 2023
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  No Tanggal Date Tata Kelola Perusahaan Good Corporate Governance HR Session HR Session HR Session HR Session Strategic Meeting Strategic Meeting Agenda Rapat Meeting Agenda   9 11 April 2023 April 11th, 2023 10 18 April 2023 April 18th, 2023 11 4 Mei 2023     May 4th, 2023  30 Mei 2023 May 30th, 2023  31 Mei 2023 May 31st, 2023  12 13 1. Persiapan RUPS 2. Rencana Bisnis 3. Penyimpanan Sertipikat Tanah Surabaya 1. GMS Preparation 2. Business Planning 3. Surabaya Land Certificate Safekeeping 1. Strategic Update 2. Laporan Kinerja April 2023 & Update Produksi Mei 2023 3. RUPST Tahun Buku 2022 4. Lain-lain 1. Strategic Update 2. Performance Report April 2023 and Production May 2023 3. AGMS Fiscal Year 2023 4. Others HR Session: Kepala Internal Audit HR Session: Chairman of Internal Audit Rencana aplikasi hasil perhitungan konsultan FED untuk Job Grading & Remuneration Design The application plan is derived from the consultant's FED calculations for Job Grading & Remuneration Design HR Session HR Session Syarat Keberlanjutan BOD dan BOC Criteria for BOD and BOC Continuation 1. Strategic Update 2. Laporan Kinerja Juli 2023 dan Produksi Agustus 2023 3. Lain-lain 1. Strategic Update 2. Performance Update July 2023 and Production August 2023 3. Others 1. HR Session-Pegawai Promosi 2. Pembahasan hasil perhitungan konsultan FED 3. Pembahasan Surat Pengunduran Diri Bapak Yurivanno Gani sebagai Direktur dan Penyampaian Surat Pemberitahuan kepada Dewan Komisaris 1. HR Session-Employee Promotion 2. Discussion on Consultant FED's Calculation Results 3. Discussion on Mr. Yurivanno Gani's Resignation Letter as Director and Notification Letter Conveyance to the Board of Commissioners Follow up lanjutan hasil perhitungan konsultan FED untuk Job Grading & Remuneration Design Follow up on the consultant FED's calculation results for Job Grading & Remuneration Design   14 6 Juni 2023 June 6th, 2023 15 16 27 Juli 2023 July 27th, 2023 17 7 Agustus 2023      18 19 20 August 7th, 2023  13 September 2023 September 13th, 2023   3 Oktober 2023 Oktober 3rd, 2023  18 Oktober 2023 Oktober 18th, 2023     2023 Laporan Tahunan PT Asuransi Bintang Tbk   171 8 Juli 2023 July 8th, 2023 Annual Report 

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