Page 185 - asuransi bintang annual report flipbook 2023
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  No 4 Program Kerja Work Program Realisasi Realization Tata Kelola Perusahaan Good Corporate Governance    Penelaahan Rencana Kerja dan Laporan Kegiatan Audit Internal Review of Work Plans and Internal Audit Activity Reports  Penelaahan efektivitas pengendalian internal Review the effectiveness of internal control  Penilaian terhadap auditor eksternal Assessment of external auditors  Pemilihan auditor eksternal Selection of external auditors   Evaluasi kinerja keuangan Evaluation of financial performance  Penyusunan Laporan Komisaris Independen ke OJK Preparation of Independent Commissioner Report to OJK   5 6 7 8 9 • Pembahasan kegiatan audit internal triwulan 1 tahun 2023, termasuk perkembangan persiapan proses bisnis baru (PAYDI) (19 Juni 2023). • Pembahasan persiapan Laporan Audit Internal sesuai POJK terbaru (19 Juni 2023). • Pembahasan kegiatan audit internal triwulan 2 tahun 2023 (3 Agustus 2023). • Pembahasan kegiatan audit internal triwulan 3 tahun 2023 (16 Oktober 2023). • Pembahasan kegiatan audit internal triwulan 4 tahun 2023 (29 Desember 2023). • Penilaian kinerja audit internal tahun 2023 (29 Desember 2023). • Pembahasan Rencana Kerja Audit Internal tahun 2024 (29 Desember 2023). • Discussion on the first quarter 2023 internal audit activities, including the progress of New Business Process Preparation (PAYDI) (June 19th, 2023). • Discussion on the preparation of the Internal Audit Report in accordance with the latest POJK (June 19th, 2023). • Discussion on the second quarter 2023 internal audit activities (August 3rd, 2023). • Discussion on the third quarter 2023 internal audit activities (October 16th, 2023). • Discussion on the fourth quarter 2023 internal audit activities (December 29th, 2023). • Evaluation of the 2023 internal audit performance (December 29th, 2023). • Discussion on the Internal Audit Work Plan for 2024 (December 29th, 2023). Pembahasan tindak lanjut temuan audit tahun 2023 (3 Agustus 2023). Discussion on the audit findings follow-up for the year 2022 (August 3rd, 2023). Evaluasi kinerja Kantor Akuntan Publik dan Akuntan Publik atas laporan keuangan tahun 2023 (20 Juni 2023). Evaluation on the performance of the Public Accounting Firm and Public Accountants on the 2023 financial report audit (June 20th, 2023). Penyampaian surat rekomendasi Kantor Akuntan Publik untuk audit laporan keuangan tahun 2023 (20 Juni 2023). Submission of a recommendation letter from the Public Accounting Firm for an audit of the 2023 financial statements t(June 20th, 20223. • Pembahasan kinerja keuangan s.d. triwulan 2 tahun 2023 dan kinerja produk PAYDI (3 Agustus 2023). • Pembahasan kinerja keuangan tahun 2023 atau performa keuangan tahun 2023 (29 Desember 2023). • Discussion on financial performance up to the second quarter of 2023 and PAYDI product performance (August 3rd, 2023). • Discussion on the financial performance of the year 2023 or financial proforma of the year 2023 (December 29th, 2023). Penyusunan Laporan Komisaris Independen tahun 2023 (6 - 13 April 2023). Preparation of the Independent Commissioner's report for 2023 (April 6th-13th, 2023).      2023 Laporan Tahunan PT Asuransi Bintang Tbk   183 Annual Report 

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