Page 355 - asuransi bintang annual report flipbook 2023
P. 355
PT ASURANSI BINTANG Tbk DAN ENTITAS ANAK Catatan atas Laporan Keuangan Konsolidasian Untuk Tahun-tahun yang Berakhir 31 Desember 2023 dan 2022 (Angka-angka Disajikan dalam Ribuan Rupiah, kecuali Dinyatakan Lain) Perhitungan analisis kekayaan dan batas tingkat soIvabilitas Perusahaan adalah sebagai berikut: Analisis Kekayaan Diperkenankan - Induk Perusahaan PT ASURANSI BINTANG Tbk AND ITS SUBSIDIARY Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements For the Years Ended December 31, 2023 and 2022 (Figures are Presented in Thousands of Rupiah, unless Otherwise Stated) The computations of minimum solvency margin limit and analysis of admitted assets are as follows: Analysis of Admitted Assets - Parent Company Kekayaan dibukukan/ Recorded assets **) 15.157.406 592.824 2.536.691 59.585.295 16.069.939 168.204.900 118.986.942 113.000 381.246.997 11.451.630 73.583.519 14.257.120 317.121.571 51.838.117 1.749.287 77.099.934 38.261.853 966.610.028 Kekayaan belum dibukukan/ Non-ledger assets 2023 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Kekayaan tidak diperkenankan/ Non-admitted assets Kekayaan diperkenankan/ Admitted assets ***) 15.157.406 592.824 2.536.691 59.585.295 16.069.939 76.249.399 38.124.700 - 208.316.254 11.451.630 52.044.290 13.814.249 313.214.890 51.838.117 1.749.287 76.210.804 - 728.639.521 Investasi Deposito berjangka Efek ekuitas untuk diperdagangkan Efek tersedia untuk dijual Efek ekuitas Efek utang Reksadana Tanah dan bangunan lnvestasi saham pada entitas anak Investasi lain Jumlah investasi Kas dan bank Piutang premi Piutang reasuransi Aset Reasuransi Piutang klaim reasuransi Piutang lain-lain Aset tetap - setelah dikurangi akumulasi penyusutan Aset lain-lain Jumlah Kekayaan - - - - - Investments Time deposits Trading equity securities Available for sale marketable securities Equity securities Debt securities Mutual funds Investment properties Investment in shares of stock of a subsidiary Other investment Total investments Cash on hand and cash in bank Premiums receivable Reinsurance receivables Reinsurance assets Reinsurance claims receivable Other receivables Property and equipment - net of accumulated depreciation Other assets Total Assets - (91.955.501) (80.862.242) (113.000) (172.930.743) - (21.539.229) (442.871) (3.906.681) - - (889.130) (38.261.853) (237.970.507) *) Tidak termasuk dana tabarru' dari program asuransi syariah **) Tidak konsolidasian/not consolidated ***) Berdasarkan Peraturan Otoritas Jasa Keuangan No. 5 tahun 2023 tentang perubahan kedua atas peraturan otoritas jasa keuangan No. 71/POJK.05/2016 /excludes participants fund (tabarru') of sharia insurance program Based on Regulation No. 05 year 2023 of the Financial Service Authority concerning the second amandement to Financial Service Authorithy Regulation No. 71/POJK.05/2016 Kekayaan Kekayaan belum dibukukan/ dibukukan/ Recorded Non-ledger assets **) assets Kekayaan tidak diperkenankan/ Non-admitted assets Kekayaan diperkenankan/ Admitted assets ***) 48.413.038 771.529 1.844.890 73.169.517 16.638.637 77.537.320 - 38.768.660 - 257.143.592 22.299.638 69.036.350 46.151.902 333.009.352 1.785.053 53.239.565 - Based on Regulation No. 71/POJK.05/2016 of the Financial Service Authority and the Circular Letter of Financial Service Authority No. 24/SEOJK.05/2017 2022 Investasi Deposito berjangka Efek ekuitas untuk diperdagangkan Efek tersedia untuk dijual Efek ekuitas Efek utang Reksadana Tanah dan bangunan lnvestasi saham pada entitas anak Investasi lain Jumlah investasi Kas dan bank Piutang premi Piutang reasuransi Aset Reasuransi Piutang lain-lain Aset tetap - setelah dikurangi akumulasi penyusutan Aset lain-lain Jumlah Kekayaan 48.413.038 - 771.529 - 1.844.890 - 73.169.517 - 16.638.637 - 136.069.455 - 110.676.936 - 102.600 - 387.686.602 - 22.299.638 - 100.968.554 - 46.604.520 - 336.308.284 - 1.785.053 - 54.786.164 - 65.088.177 - - - - - - Investments Time deposits Trading equity securities Available for sale marketable securities Equity securities Debt securities Mutual funds Investment properties Investment in shares of stock of a subsidiary Other investment Total investments Cash Premiums receivable Reinsurance receivables Reinsurance assets Other receivables Property and equipment - net of accumulated depreciation Other assets Total Assets (58.532.135) (71.908.275) (102.600) (130.543.010) - (31.932.204) (452.618) (3.298.932) - (1.546.599) (65.088.177) 1.015.526.992 - (232.861.539) /excludes participants fund (tabarru') of sharia insurance program 782.665.453 *) Tidak termasuk dana tabarru' dari program asuransi syariah **) Tidak konsolidasian/not consolidated ***) Berdasarkan Peraturan Otoritas Jasa Keuangan No. 71/POJK.05/2016 dan Surat Edaran Otoritas Jasa Keuangan No. 24/SEOJK.05/2017 - 96 -