Page 171 - AR Asuransi Bintang 2022
P. 171

  Ronald Waas
Hastanto Sri Margi Widodo
Reniwati Darmakusumah
Jenry Cardo Manurung
Zafar Dinesh Idham
Yurivanno Gani*
Komisaris Independen 9 100
Independent Non-Executive Board
Presiden Direktur 9 100
President Director
Direktur 9 100
Direktur 9 100
Direktur Kepatuhan 9 100
Compliance Director
Direktur - -
Jabatan Kehadiran
Position Attendance
      Keterangan* : Bapak Yurivanno Gani baru diangkat pada RUPSLB tgl 28 Desember 2022
Description*: Mr. Yurivanno Gani was appointed on EGMS dated December 28th, 2022
Agenda Rapat
Meeting Agenda
1. Kinerja Tahun 2021-Estimated Unaudited 2. Update Kinerja Bulan Januari 2022
3. Lain-lain
1. Performance in 2021-Estimated Unaudited 2. January 2022 Performance Update
3. Others
Pembahasan photo session untuk Annual Report
Discussion on the photo session for the Annual Report
1. 25 Februari 2022
February 25th, 2022
2. 18 April 2022
April 18th, 2022
    3. 17 Mei 2022 1. May 17th, 2022 2.
1. March & April 2022 performance updates
2. Plans for the GMS for the 2021 financial year
3. Others
Update kinerja bulan Maret & April 2022
Rencana RUPS tahun buku 2021 3. Lain-lain
  4 21 Juni 2022 1. June 21st, 2022 2.
Persiapan RUPS
Rencana Pembagian Dividen, Pengangakatan kembali Dewan Komisaris & Pergantian Anggota Komite DIbawah Dewan Komisaris, Penentuan Gaji dan tunjangan Dewan Direksi & Komisaris, penunjukkan kantor akuntan publik dan akuntan publik tahun buku 2023
1. Preparation for the GMS
2. Plans for Dividend Distribution, Reappointment of the Non-Executive Board &
Replacement of the Committee under the Non-Executive Board, Determination of the Salary and Benefits of the Board of Directors & Non-Executive Boards, appointment of a public accounting firm and public accountant for the 2023 financial year
    Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report
169 PT Asuransi Bintang Tbk

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