Page 189 - AR Asuransi Bintang 2022
P. 189
2. Dewan Komisaris memiliki fungsi pengawasan secara umum dan/atau khusus terhadap Perseroan. Sebagai organ yang dibentuk oleh Dewan Komisaris Perseroan, tugas Komite Audit dapat mencakup pengawasan terhadap manajemen risiko yang mempengaruhi pelaporan keuangan.
Susunan dan Komposisi Keanggotaan Komite Audit selama tahun 2022 adalah sebagai berikut:
2. The Non-Executive Board has a general and/or special supervisory function to the Company. As an organ formed by the Company’s Non-Executive Board, the duties of the Audit Committee can include oversight of risk management that affects financial reporting.
The structure and composition of the Audit Committee during 2022 are as follows:
Nama Anggota
Member Name
Masa Kerja
Work Period
SK Pengangkatan
Decree of Appointment
1 Krishna Suparto
2 Yan Rahadian
3 Widya Perwitasari
3 tahun
3 years
3 tahun
3 years
3 tahun
3 years
006/S.Kep/P.Kom-SLP/VIII/2022 I
006/S.Kep/P.Kom-SLP/VIII/2022 II
006/S.Kep/P.Kom-SLP/VIII/2022 I
Profil Komite Audit Perusahaan
Krishna Suparto, S.Sos., AMRP
Profile Of The Company’s Audit Committee
Krishna Suparto, S.Sos., AMRP
Curriculum vitae of Krishna Suparto is available in the Curriculum Vitae of the Non-Executive Board
Work Period : 2022-2025
Yan Rahadian, M.S.Ak., CA, CSRS, CACP
Audit Committee Member Work Period : 2022-2025
Indonesian citizen, born in Bandung on June 29th, 1977 (45 years old), domiciles in Depok. He has served as Audit Committee Member since August 2nd, 2013. He earned his Bachelor of Economics degree and a Master’s degree in Accounting from the Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Indonesia (FEB UI). He has worked as a teaching staff and researcher at FEB UI since early 2000. During his time at FEB UI, he served as Head of the Accounting Laboratory Department of FEB UI (2000-2005), Coordinator of Public Sector Accounting Program for Diploma 3 of FEB UI (2007-2008), Head of Public Sector Accounting Center of Accounting Department of FEUI (2008-2009), Vice Chairman of Accounting Development Center (PPA) of FEB UI (2009-2013) and Head of PPA FEUI (2013-2018). He also holds a CA, CSRS and CACP degree. In addition to being a teaching staff and researcher, he actively provides training and consulting services in the fields of
Daftar riwayat hidup Krishna Suparto dapat dilihat di Riwayat Hidup Dewan Komisaris
Masa Jabatan : 2022-2025
Yan Rahadian, M.S.Ak., CA, CSRS, CACP
Anggota Komite Audit Masa Jabatan : 2022-2025
Warga Negara Indonesia, lahir di Bandung tanggal 29 Juni 1977 (45 tahun), berdomisili di Depok. Menjabat sebagai Anggota Komite Audit sejak tanggal 2 Agustus 2013. Beliau meraih gelar Sarjana Ekonomi dan gelar Master di bidang Ilmu Akuntansi dari Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia (FEB UI). Beliau menjadi staf pengajar dan peneliti di FEB UI sejak awal tahun 2000. Selama di FEB UI beliau pernah menjabat sebagai Kepala Laboratorium Departemen Akuntansi FEB UI (2000- 2005), Koordinator Program Akuntansi Sektor Publik Diploma 3 FEB UI (2007-2008), Kepala Pusat Akuntansi Sektor Publik Departemen Akuntansi FEB UI (2008-2009), Wakil Kepala Pusat Pengembangan Akuntansi (PPA) FEB UI (2009-2013) dan Kepala PPA FEB UI (2013-2018). Beliau juga pemegang gelar CA, CSRS, dan CACP. Selain sebagai staf pengajar dan peneliti, beliau aktif memberikan jasa pelatihan dan konsultasi di bidang akuntansi, tata kelola, dan
Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report 187
PT Asuransi Bintang Tbk