Page 213 - AR Asuransi Bintang 2022
P. 213
Pelaksanaan Kegiatan Komite Nominasi Dan Remunerasi Selama Tahun 2022
Implementation Of The Nomination And Remuneration Commit tee Activities In 2022
Program Kerja
Work Program
Penetapan usulan besaran remunerasi bagi Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi pada RUPS yang diselenggarakan pada bulan Juli 2022
Determination of the proposed amount of remuneration for the Non- Executive Board and the Board of Directors at the GMS held in July 2022
1. Mengkaji dan mengusulkan remunerasi anggota Dewan Komisaris dan Dewan Direksi.
Review and recommend the remuneration of Members of Non-Executive Board and Board of Directors.
2. Memonitor pemenuhan syaratPemenuhanseluruhsyaratberkelanjutanbagiDewanKomisaris
berkelanjutan bagi seluruh Dewan Komisaris dan Dewan Direksi
Monitor the compliance toward sustained requirements for all Non-Executive Board and Directors.
3. Memonitor komposisi Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi sesuai dengan peraturan perundangan yang berlaku
Monitor the composition of Non-Executive Board and Directors in accordance with applied laws and regulations.
dan Direksi sebagaimana laporan Perusahaan kepada Otoritas Jasa Keuangan
Fulfillment of all sustainable requirements for the Non-Executive Board and the Board of Directors as reported by the Company to the Financial Services Authority
Selama tahun 2022:
1. Pada RUPS Tahunan, menyetujui pengangkatan kembali seluruh
Dewan Komisaris Perseroan yang telah habis Masa Jabatannya;
2. sesuai hasil RUPS Luar Biasa menyetujui pengangkatan bapak
Yurivanno Gani sebagai Direktur, sehingga terdapat perubahan Susunan Direksi dan komposisi yang ada masih memenuhi peraturan yang berlaku.
During 2022:
1. 2.
At the Annual GMS, approve the reappointment of the entire Non-Executive Board of the Company whose term of office has expired; and
The Extraordinary GMS approved the appointment of Mr. Yurivanno Gani as Director, so that there is a change in the composition of the Board of Directors and the existing composition still complies with applicable regulations.
Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report
211 PT Asuransi Bintang Tbk