Page 238 - asuransi bintang annual report flipbook 2023
P. 238
Perlindungan Bagi Pelapor Atas laporan yang terbukti kebenarannya, Perseroan akan memberikan perlindungan terhadap pelapor. Perlindungan bagi pelapor meliputi: 1. Jaminan kerahasiaan identitas pelapor dan isi laporan yang disampaikan; 2. Jaminan perlindungan terhadap perlakuan yang merugikan pelapor; 3. Jaminan perlindungan kemungkinan adanya tindakan ancaman, intimidasi, hukuman ataupun tindakan tidak menyenangkan dari pihak terlapor. Penanganan Pengaduan 1. Setiap proses penanganan laporan pengungkapan kejadian indikasi fraud merupakan kewenangan pengelola Whistleblowing System yang dilakukan oleh Direksi, Legal & Corporate Secretary dan Internal Audit. 2. Untuk menjamin kerahasiaan identitas pelapor, setiap nama pelapor akan digunakan anonym/nama alias. 3. Bilamana diperlukan akan dilakukan investigasi lebih lanjut. 4. Fasilitas/media saluran penyampaian pelaporan pelanggaran bersifat independen, bebas dan rahasia. 5. Apabila berdasrakan hasil investigasi terbukti terlapor melakukan fraud/pelanggaran, maka pejabat pemutus akan memberikan sanksi sesuai dengan ketentuan yang berlaku. Pihak yang Mengelola Pengaduan Efektivitas penerapan Whistleblowing System dikelola oleh satuan unit Legal & Corporate Secretary dan Internal Audit yang bertanggungjawab secara langsung kepada Direksi. Sarana Pengaduan Protection for Whsitleblowers Upon verified reports, the Company will extend protection to the reporters. Protection for whistleblower encompasses: 1. Assurance of confidentiality regarding the whistleblower’s identity and the content of the report; 2. Guarantee of protection against detrimental treatment; 3. Assurance against potential threats, intimidation, penalties, or unpleasant actions from the reported party. Reports Handling 1. The handling process of fraud reports falls under the authority of the Whistleblowing System administrators, conducted by the Board of Directors, Legal & Corporate Secretary, and Internal Audit. 2. To ensure the confidentiality of the whistleblower’s identity, each of their name will be anonymized or given an alias. 3. Further investigation will be conducted if necessary. 4. The facilities/media for reporting violations are independent, free, and confidential channels. 5. Upon investigation findings proving fraud/violation by the reported party, the decision-making authority will impose sanctions in accordance with applicable regulations. Reports Management The effectiveness of implementing the Whistleblowing System is managed by the Legal & Corporate Secretary unit and Internal Audit, directly accountable to the Board of Directors. Reporting Channels • The Company has established a reporting channel via email • As od December 31st, 2023, no reports have been received and processed by the Company, thus no follow-up actions have been taken by the Company. 236 PT Asuransi Bintang Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2023 • • Perseroan telah membuka sarana pengaduan pada alamat email Sampai dengan tanggal 31 Desember 2023 belum ada pengaduan yang masuk dan diproses oleh Perseroan, maka dengan demikian tidak ada tindak lanjut pengaduan yang dilakukan Perseroan. Annual Report