Page 334 - asuransi bintang annual report flipbook 2023
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 PT ASURANSI BINTANG Tbk DAN ENTITAS ANAK Catatan atas Laporan Keuangan Konsolidasian Untuk Tahun-tahun yang Berakhir 31 Desember 2023 dan 2022 (Angka-angka Disajikan dalam Ribuan Rupiah, kecuali Dinyatakan Lain) PT ASURANSI BINTANG Tbk AND ITS SUBSIDIARY Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements For the Years Ended December 31, 2023 and 2022 (Figures are Presented in Thousands of Rupiah, unless Otherwise Stated)   28. Beban Usaha Pemasaran Promosi Penelitian dan pengembangan Lainnya Jumlah Umum dan Administrasi Gaji, upah, dan imbalan pasca kerja Penyusutan dan amortisasi (Catatan 10 dan 11) Jasa profesi Perbaikan dan perawatan Listrik, telepon dan air Perjalanan dinas Kesejahteraan, recruitment dan pindah pegawai Pelatihan 792.388 Cetakan kantor 650.035 Asuransi 301.870 Cadangan kerugian penurunan nilai (Catatan 7) 500.000 Lainnya 549.535 Jumlah 98.116.428 28. Operating Expenses 2023 30.536.389 29.000 3.612.790 34.178.179 70.329.250 6.222.544 5.453.681 5.480.376 3.467.898 3.260.595 2022           1.108.256 39.836.447 27.830 4.209.379 44.073.656 63.613.986 6.189.215 2.429.644 4.840.377 3.429.427 2.447.542 929.879 346.282 590.941 278.087 - 471.409 85.566.789 43.039 129.683.484 Marketing Advertising Research and development Others Subtotal General and Administrative Salaries, employees' benefits and long-term employees' benefits Depreciation and amortization (Notes 10 and 11) Professional fees Repairs and maintenance Utilities Travel Welfare, recruitment and transfer of employee Training Office supplies Insurance Provisions for impairment (Note 7) Others Subtotal Final tax Total         Pajak Final Jumlah 29. Penghasilan Lain-lain - Bersih Keuntungan penjualan aset tetap (Catatan 10) Pemulihan nilai piutang (Catatan 5) Beban bunga (Catatan 18) Kerugian kurs - bersih Lain-lain Jumlah - 132.294.607 2023 1.462.978 284.505 (40.677) (1.289.195) 1.127.427 1.545.038 29. Other Income - Net       2022    3.262.658 - (47.615) (740.871) 281.218 2.755.390 Gain on sale of property and equipment (Note 10) Recovery of value of receivables (Note 5) Interest expense (Note 18) Foreign exchange loss - net Others Total       - 75 - 

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