Page 369 - asuransi bintang annual report flipbook 2023
P. 369
PT ASURANSI BINTANG Tbk Lampiran III : Laporan Perubahan Ekuitas - Induk Perusahaan *) Untuk Tahun - tahun yang Berakhir 31 Desember 2023 dan 2022 (Angka-angka Disajikan dalam Ribuan Rupiah, kecuali Dinyatakan Lain) PT ASURANSI BINTANG Tbk Attachment III : Parent Entity - Statements of Changes in Equity *) For the Years Ended December 31, 2023 and 2022 (Figures are Presented in Thousands of Rupiah, unless Otherwise Stated) Saldo pada tanggal 1 Januari 2022 87.096.618 50.000 (740.706) 3.036.007 37.168.813 12.463.329 136.282.982 275.357.043 Balance as at January 1, 2022 Penghasilan Komprehensif Laba tahun berjalan - - - - - - 5.059.395 5.059.395 3.877.914 - 378.518 Comprehensive income Profit for the year Penghasilan (rugi) komprehensif lain Kerugian revaluasi tanah dan bangunan Reklasifikasi surplus revaluasi aset tetap - - - - 3.877.914 (2.976.048) - - - Other comprehensive income (loss) Loss on revaluation of land and buildings Reclassification of revaluation increment in value of ke saldo laba Pengukuran kembali liabilitas imbalan - - - - - 2.976.048 property and equipment to retained earnings Remeasurement of defined pasti-bersih Kerugian belum direalisasi atas perubahan - - - - - 378.518 benefit liability-net Unrealized gain changes in fair nilai wajar Efek Tersedia Dijual-bersih Jumlah laba komprehensif - - - (2.750.537) - (2.750.537) 901.866 - - (2.750.537) 6.565.290 value of AFS Invesments-net Transaksi dengan pemilik Dividen tunai - - - - - - (1.985.802) (113.200) (823.460) (1.985.802) (113.200) - Transactions with owners Cash dividend Dividend through profit certificate Appropriation for general reserve Dividen tanda laba Pembentukan cadangan umum - - - - - - Jumlah transaksi dengan pemilik - - - - - (2.922.462) 141.774.481 (2.099.002) 279.823.331 Total transactions with owners Saldo pada tanggal 31 Desember 2022 87.096.618 50.000 (740.706) 285.470 38.070.679 13.286.789 Balance as of December 31, 2022 Penghasilan Komprehensif Laba tahun berjalan - - - - - - 5.448.207 - 3.234.576 5.448.207 4.713.173 - Comprehensive income Profit for the year Penghasilan (rugi) komprehensif lain Keuntungan revaluasi tanah dan bangunan Reklasifikasi surplus revaluasi aset tetap - - - - 4.713.173 (3.234.576) - - Other comprehensive income (loss) Gain on revaluation of land and buildings Reclassification of revaluation increment in value of ke saldo laba Pengukuran kembali liabilitas imbalan - - - - - property and equipment to retained earnings Remeasurement of defined pasti-bersih Keuntungan belum direalisasi atas perubahan - - - - - (290.831) (290.831) benefit liability-net Unrealized gain on changes in fair nilai wajar Efek Tersedia Dijual-bersih Jumlah laba komprehensif - - - 2.061.739 2.061.739 - - - 2.061.739 11.932.288 value of AFS Invesments-net Transaksi dengan pemilik Dividen tunai - - - - - - (1.741.932) - (1.741.932) - Transactions with owners Cash dividend Dividend through profit certificate Appropriation for general reserve Dividen tanda laba Pembentukan cadangan umum - - - - - - Jumlah transaksi dengan pemilik Saldo pada tanggal 31 Desember 2023 *) Menggunakan metode biaya - - - - - (1.741.932) 290.013.687 Total transactions with owners Balance as of December 31, 2023 *) Using cost method Modal Ditempatkan dan Disetor penuh/ Issued and Fully Paid Capital Stock Additional Paid-in Capital Telah Ditentukan Pengunaannya/ Appropriated Belum Ditentukan Penggunaannya/ Unappropriated Jumlah Ekuitas/ Total 87.096.618 50.000 (740.706) 2.347.209 39.549.276 13.544.170 148.167.120 - - - - 8.413.961 Total comprehensive income - - - - - 823.460 823.460 - - - 1.478.597 - 8.391.952 Total comprehensive income - - - - - 257.381 257.381 (257.381) (1.999.313) - Tambahan Modal Disetor/ Biaya Emisi Saham/ Stock Issuance Costs Gain (Loss) on Changes in Fair Value of AFS Marketable Securities - net Saldo Laba (Defisit)/ Keuntungan (Kerugian) Belum Direalisasi atas Perubahan Nilai Wajar Efek T ersedia Dijual - bersih/ Unrealized Surplus Revaluasi Aset Tetap/ Revaluation Increment in Value of Property and Equipment Retained Earnings i.3 Equity