Page 370 - asuransi bintang annual report flipbook 2023
P. 370

PT ASURANSI BINTANG Tbk Lampiran IV: Laporan Arus Kas - Induk Perusahaan Untuk Tahun-Tahun yang Berakhir 31 Desember 2023 dan 2022 (Angka-angka Disajikan dalam Ribuan Rupiah, kecuali Dinyatakan Lain) PT ASURANSI BINTANG Tbk Attachment IV: Parent Entity - Statements of Cash Flows For the Years Ended December 31, 2023 and 2022 (Figures are Presented in Thousands of Rupiah, unless Otherwise Stated)    ARUS KAS DARI AKTIVITAS OPERASI Penerimaan dari: Premi Klaim reasuransi Lain-lain Pembayaran untuk: 2023 397.470.678 148.271.487 379.832 2022 476.284.341 137.039.131 1.545.567 (224.439.274) (285.613.825) (65.197.386) (10.497.987) (68.641.875) (1.016.993) (40.538.301) 36.200.000 11.503.794 26.392.618 - 671.023 (2.414.627) (22.000.000) 50.352.808 (1.985.803) (113.200) (2.099.003) 7.715.504 17.025.302 CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES Cash receipts from: Premiums Reinsurance claims Others Cash payments to/for: Claims Reinsurance premium Employees Commissions Operating expenses Other expenses Net Cash Used In Operating Activities CASH FLOWS FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES Proceeds from termination of time deposits Investment income received - net Proceeds from sale of marketable securities Acquisitions of intangible assets Proceeds from sale of property and equipment Acquisitions of property and equipment Placements in time deposits Net Cash Provided by Investing Activities CASH FLOWS FROM FINANCING ACTIVITIES Cash dividend payment Dividend payment through profit certificate Cash Used in Financing Activities NET INCREASE (DECREASE) IN CASH ON HAND AND IN BANKS CASH ON HAND AND IN BANKS AT THE BEGINNING OF THE YEAR Effect of foreign exchange rate changes CASH ON HAND AND IN BANKS AT THE END OF THE YEAR Klaim (220.860.535) Premi reasuransi (232.145.874) Pegawai (73.498.309) Komisi (20.908.995) Beban usaha Beban lain-lain Kas Bersih Digunakan untuk Aktivitas Operasi ARUS KAS DARI AKTIVITAS INVESTASI Pencairan deposito Penerimaan hasil investasi - bersih Hasil penjualan efek Pembelian aset tidak berwujud Hasil penjualan aset tetap Pembelian aset tetap Penempatan deposito Kas Bersih Diperoleh dari Aktivitas Investasi ARUS KAS DARI AKTIVITAS PENDANAAN Pembayaran dividen Pembayaran tanda laba Kas Digunakan untuk Aktivitas Pendanaan KENAIKAN (PENURUNAN) BERSIH KAS DAN BANK KAS DAN BANK PADA AWAL TAHUN Pengaruh perubahan kurs mata uang asing KAS DAN BANK PADA AKHIR TAHUN (57.651.861) (440.503) (59.384.080) 40.835.633 4.107.535 19.758.130 (2.093.932) 363.878 (3.132.831) (7.580.000) 52.258.413 (1.811.312) - (1.811.312) (8.936.979) 24.679.146             13.285 (61.660)   15.755.452 24.679.146     - i.4 - 

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