Page 371 - asuransi bintang annual report flipbook 2023
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PT ASURANSI BINTANG Tbk Lampiran V: Pendapatan, Beban dan Hasil Underwriting - Induk Perusahaan Untuk Tahun-tahun yang Berakhir 31 Desember 2023 dan 2022 (Angka-angka Disajikan dalam Ribuan Rupiah, kecuali Dinyatakan Lain) PT ASURANSI BINTANG Tbk Attachment V: Parent Entity - Underwriting Revenues, Expenses and Income For the Years Ended December 31, 2023 and 2022 (Figures are Presented in Thousand of Rupiah, unless Otherwise Stated) Pendapatan underwriting Pendapatan premi Premi bruto 30.963.124 (207.485) 24.783.736 (12.466.497) 13.594.073 (7.611.209) (34.929.427) 64.628.186 371.765 378.280.503 459.217.936 Premium income Gross premiums Reinsurance premiums Premi reasuransi Perubahan premi yang belum (2.393.601) - (220.273.415) 3.443.604 (279.124) 28.585.868 (247.915.824) 12.191.417 223.493.529 merupakan pendapatan 5.792.398 49.516.669 20.092.607 (443.327) 50.848.246 11.873.912 (1.372.958) 4.609.906 1.352.668 3.973.393 Changes in unearned premiums Pendapatan premi - bersih Beban underwriting 65.678.189 92.641 186.592.956 Net premium income Beban klaim Klaim bruto 107.078.629 (80.361.239) 21.200.414 11.182.002 6.189.104 (4.148.854) (76.496.423) 2.383.135 (445.046) 77.142 231.043.680 - (167.714.899) 215.685.705 (145.298.285) Claims expense Gross claims Klaim reasuransi Kenaikan (Penurunan) estimasi (5.883) (1.816.569) (6.257.454) 2.920.465 7.845.013 Reinsurance claims Increase (decrease) in estimated klaim retensi sendiri Beban klaim bersih 2.124.200 28.841.590 19.377.962 1.615.484 3.655.734 2.084.303 8.521.134 1.441.913 3.380.002 - 8.369.796 77.142 71.698.577 14.804.302 85.191.722 own retention claims Net claim expenses Pendapatan (beban) komisi Pendapatan komisi Beban komisi (55.285.894) 33.993.883 24.567 4.464.786 (3.189.859) 5.246.756 2.299.626 (177.047) 33.805.381 - (63.771.437) - 83.700.554 (66.819.857) 91.895.014 Commission income (expense) Commission income Commission expense Beban komisi - bersih (21.292.011) 7.549.579 41.967.090 4.489.353 23.867.315 26.980.931 2.056.897 400.686 9.901.910 4.056.420 1.972.002 553.486 (5.193.599) 33.628.334 37.008.336 28.669.853 - 19.929.117 77.142 91.627.694 15.499 94.965.262 25.075.157 110.266.879 113.226.650 Net commission expense Jumlah beban underwriting Hasil underwriting 645.858 9.166.992 Total underwriting expenses Underwriting income Kebakaran/ Kendaraan Bermotor/ Motor Pengangkutan/ Rekayasa/ Rangka Kapal/ Aneka/ Unit link/ Jumlah/Total Fire vehicles Marine cargo Engineering Hull Miscellaneous Unit link 2023 2022 206.389.467 (162.665.196) 37.550.152 (1.898.940) (3.244.264) 3.890.122 82.933.254 - i.5 - Underwriting expenses