Page 174 - AR Asuransi Bintang 2022
P. 174
Direksi memiliki acuan dan pedoman kerja yang mengikat bagi setiap anggota Direksi. Pedoman kerja Direksi tertuang dalam Anggaran Dasar dan Board Manual yang mengatur tentang :
• Keseluruhan komposisi dan persyaratan Direksi;
• Independensi Direksi;
• Etika jabatan;
• Tugas dan kewajiban serta hak dan wewenang;
• Hubungan dengan anak usaha dan perusahaan
• Pendelegasian wewenang dan pembagian tugas
antar Direksi;
• Prosedur dan kebijakan rapat;
• Hubungan kerja dengan Dewan Komisaris;
• Organ pendukung dan Komite-komite di bawah
Direksi; dan
• Hubungan dengan profesi pasar modal serta
penggunaan saran tenaga profesional.
Adapun landasan atau pedoman yang digunakan dalam anggaran dasar dan Board Manual terkait pedoman kerja Direksi adalah :
1. Undang Undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 40 tahun 2007 tentang Perseroan Terbatas.
2. Undang Undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 40 tahun 2014 tentang Perasuransian.
3. Peraturan Otoritas Jasa Keuangan Nomor 27/ POJK.03 /2016 tentang Penilaian Kemampuan dan Kepatutan Bagi Pihak Utama Lembaga Jasa Keuangan.
4. Peraturan Otoritas Jasa Keuangan Nomor 73/ POJK.05 /2016 tentang Tata Kelola Perusahaan Yang Baik Bagi Perusahaan Perasuransian.
Sesuai dengan ketentuan Peraturan OJK No. 73/ POJK.05/2016 tentang Tata Kelola Perusahaan yang Baik Bagi Perusahaan Perasuransian serta Anggaran Dasar Perusahaan disebutkan bahwa kriteria Anggota Direksi Perusahaan Perasuransian adalah sebagai berikut:
1. Telah mendapatkan persetujuan dari OJK;
2. Berdomisili di Indonesia;
3. Mampu untuk bertindak dengan itikad baik,
jujur dan profesional;
The Board of Directors has work guidelines and references that bind each member of the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors’ work guidelines are set out in the Articles of Association and Board Manual that govern:
• The overall Board of Directors’ composition and requirements;
• Independence of the Board of Directors;
• Code of ethics;
• Duties and obligations and rights and authority;
• Relationship with subsidiaries and affiliated
• Delegation of authority and division of duties
among Directors;
• Meeting procedures and policies;
• Work relations with the Non-Executive Board;
• Supporting organs and Committees under the
Board of Directors; and
• Relations with the capital market profession and
the use of professional advisory.
Basis or reference used in the articles of association and Board Manual related to the work guidelines of the Board of Directors are as follows:
1. Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 40 of 2007 concerning Limited Liability Companies.
2. Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 40 of
2014 concerning Insurance.
3. Financial Services Authority Regulation Number
27/POJK.03/2016 concerning Fit and Proper Test for Main Parties of Financial Services Institutions.
4. Financial Services Authority Regulation Number 73/POJK.05/2016 concerning Good Corporate Governance for Insurance Companies.
In accordance with the provisions of OJK Regulation No. 73/POJK.05/2016 concerning Good Corporate Governance for Insurance Companies and the Company’s Articles of Association, it is stated that the criteria for the Members of the Board of Directors of Insurance Company are as follows:
1. 2. 3.
Have obtained approval from OJK;
Domiciles in Indonesia;
Capable of acting in good faith, honest and professional;
Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report 172
PT Asuransi Bintang Tbk
Tata Kelola Perusahaan | Good Corporate Governance