Page 273 - AR Asuransi Bintang 2022
P. 273
Jenis Pengaduan
Jenis pengaduan yang dapat disampaikan melalui jalur whistleblower meliputi hal-hal berikut:
• Fraud
• Pelanggaran hukum
• Pelanggaran peraturan perusahaan
• Pelanggaran kode etik
• Pelanggaran benturan kepentingan
• Hal-hal lainnya yang dapat dipersamakan
dengan itu
Mekanisme Sistem Pengaduan
Seseorang yang menjadi whistleblower harus memiliki dasar bahwa yang dilaporkan telah ikut ambil bagian dalam tindakan yang melanggar Kode Etik dan Pedoman Perilaku. Seluruh laporan yang masuk ke dalam sarana whistleblower akan ditindaklanjuti dan Perusahaan akan merahasiakan identitas pelapor serta memberikan perlindungan bagi pelapor.
Perlindungan Bagi Pelapor
Atas laporan yang terbukti kebenarannya, Perusahaan akan memberikan perlindungan terhadap pelapor.
Perlindungan bagi pelapor meliputi:
1. Jaminan kerahasiaan identitas pelapor dan isi
laporan yang disampaikan;
2. Jaminan perlindungan terhadap perlakuan yang
merugikan pelapor;
3. Jaminan perlindungan kemungkinan adanya
tindakan ancaman, intimidasi, hukuman ataupun tindakan tidak menyenangkan dari pihak terlapor.
Penanganan Pengaduan
1. Setiap proses penanganan laporan pengungkapan kejadian indikasi fraud merupakan kewenangan pengelola Whistleblowing System yang dilakukan oleh Direksi, Legal & Corporate Secretary dan Audit Internal.
2. Untuk menjamin kerahasiaan identitas pelapor, setiap nama pelapor akan digunakan anonym/ nama alias.
3. Bilamana diperlukan akan dilakukan investigasi lebih lanjut.
4. Fasilitas/media saluran penyampaian pelaporan pelanggaran bersifat independen, bebas dan rahasia.
5. Apabila berdasarkan hasil investigasi terbukti terlapor melakukan fraud/pelanggaran, maka pejabat pemutus akan memberikan sanksi sesuai dengan ketentuan yang berlaku.
Reports Type
The type of reports that can be filed through the whistleblower system includes the following:
• Fraud
• Violation of laws
• Violation of company regulations • Violation of code of ethics
• Violation of conflicts of interest
• Other similar issues.
Whistleblowing System Mechanism
A whistleblower must have proof that those reported have taken part in the violation of Code of Ethics and Code of Conduct. All incoming reports on the whistleblowing system will be followed up and the Company will keep the whistleblower’s identity confidential and provide protection for the whistleblower.
Protection for the Whistleblower
For reports proven to be true, the Company will provide protection for the whistleblower.
Protection for the whistleblower includes:
1. Confidentiality guarantee of the whistleblower’s identity and the contents of the report submitted; 2. Protection guarantee against any action that
may cause disadvantages to the whistleblowers; 3. Protection guarantee against possible threats, intimidation, punishment, or unpleasant actions
from the reported party.
Reports Handling
3. 4.
Each process of handling reports on disclosure of fraud indications is the authority of the Whistleblowing System Manager, which is carried out by the Board of Directors, Legal & Corporate Secretary and Internal Audit.
To ensure the confidentiality of the whistleblower’s identity, each of their name will be used anonymously/aliased.
If necessary, further investigation will be carried out.
Facilities/media for reporting violations are independent, free and confidential.
If the investigation results prove that the reported party is guilty for fraud/violation, the decision-making Officials will impose sanctions in accordance with applicable regulations.
Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report 271
PT Asuransi Bintang Tbk